Personal Growth

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II

The MBTI helps you understand yourself better and enhances your relationships with other people in various settings. After you complete the online MBTI Step II assessment, you will participate in a feedback session in the form of a workshop or individual coaching session. You will walk away with a greater understanding of your preferences on four different scales:

  1. Introversion versus Extraversion
  2. Intuition versus Sensing
  3. Thinking versus Feeling
  4. Judging versus Perceiving

The MBTI Step II provides a deeper look at the Step I four-letter type by including facets for each of the preferences. This more detailed level of information allows insight into certain aspects of performance and provides developmental suggestions.

These areas include:

  • Communication
  • Making Decisions
  • Managing Change
  • Managing Conflict

This program is available in the following formats:


How to be a REAL Success – JMT*

Success is not a destination. It is a process – a lifelong strategy of building on strengths, minimizing weaknesses, and focusing on the people and points of life that are most important.

In How to be a REAL Success, you will learn the keys you need to succeed in life. Whether you are a civil servant or a corporate executive, you will achieve great things by understanding four very important success building areas: Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, and Leadership. 

This program is available in the following formats:

*A JMT offering is a John Maxwell Team proprietary course. Monarch Leadership Group has the rights to deliver this program as a Certified JMT member.


15 Invaluable Laws of Growth – JMT*

John C. Maxwell says in order to reach your potential, you must be intentional about personal growth. Monarch Leadership Group completely agrees!

This training curriculum will help you understand how personal growth really works and how you can develop yourself to become a more effective and fulfilled individual. You will learn how to build up your sense of purpose and become more successful in every area of your life.

This program is available in the following formats:

A JMT offering is a John Maxwell Team proprietary course. Monarch Leadership Group has the rights to deliver this program as a Certified JMT member.


Intentional Living - JMT*

Deep down, what does every person want most? To live a life that matters. We all want to feel like the time we spent on earth made a difference. How do we achieve that?

John Maxwell believes the answer is intentional living. John says, “When you intentionally use your influence every day to bring about positive change in the lives of others, you achieve significance. There is a big difference between a life of good intentions and an intentional life. Almost everyone has good intentions. An intentional life, however, has thought and purpose to it. And the best thing about intentional living? It’s within everyone’s reach. This book by John Maxwell shows you how.

This program is available in the following formats:

A JMT offering is a John Maxwell Team proprietary course. Monarch Leadership Group has the rights to deliver this program as a Certified JMT member.


Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn - JMT*

What could a hugely successful author, speaker, and coach possibly know about losing? For over 50 years, Dr. John C. Maxwell has lived life, started businesses, mentored thousands of leaders, and through it all, he has won big and learned even bigger lessons.

John takes the reader on a well-worn path in the pursuit of raw leadership by examining what every human has in common; those experiences we can all say, “I have been there.” Every one of us has experienced a disappointing loss in our own personal growth or leadership. How we have responded to those mistakes, errors, slips in judgment or just plain missing the goal has formed us even now. No bad experience has to ultimately defeat us.

This book helps light the path to a more fulfilling life by examining loss, not from measuring what one does not have, but how loss can bring abundance. Every negative event or loss that occurs can become a great learning opportunity to take us all the newer and greater heights in our own lives.

This program is available in the following formats:

A JMT offering is a John Maxwell Team proprietary course. Monarch Leadership Group has the rights to deliver this program as a Certified JMT member.