Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn

Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn - JMT*

What could a hugely successful author, speaker, and coach possibly know about losing? For over 50 years, Dr. John C. Maxwell has lived life, started businesses, mentored thousands of leaders, and through it all, he has won big and learned even bigger lessons.

John takes the reader on a well-worn path in the pursuit of raw leadership by examining what every human has in common; those experiences we can all say, “I have been there.” Every one of us has experienced a disappointing loss in our own personal growth or leadership. How we have responded to those mistakes, errors, slips in judgment or just plain missing the goal has formed us even now. No bad experience has to ultimately defeat us.

This book helps light the path to a more fulfilling life by examining loss, not from measuring what one does not have, but how loss can bring abundance. Every negative event or loss that occurs can become a great learning opportunity to take us all the newer and greater heights in our own lives.

As John Maxwell often points out, experience isn't the best teacher; evaluated experience is.

In Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn, John explains how to turn a setback into a step forward by examining the 11 elements that make up the DNA of those who learn from a loss:

  • Humility - The Spirit of Learning
  • Reality - The Foundation of Learning
  • Responsibility - The First Step of Learning
  • Improvement - The Focus of Learning
  • Hope - The Motivation of Learning
  • Teachability - The Pathway of Learning
  • Adversity - The Catalyst of Learning
  • Problems - The Opportunities of Learning
  • Bad Experiences - The Perspective for Learning
  • Change - The Price of Learning
  • Maturity - The Value of Learning


This program is available in the following formats:

A JMT offering is a John Maxwell Team proprietary course. Monarch Leadership Group has the rights to deliver this program as a Certified JMT member.