Hi Jeanne!
Do you have a minute?
I'd love to hear what you've learned this year.
This survey will literally take ONE MINUTE.
You may also win a $50 Amazon gift card!
There were many challenges this year but also many gifts.
Please take ONE MINUTE to reflect on this.
It will feel good to shift your thinking...and it's completely anonymous.
I will share ideas and strategies in upcoming emails to get you moving forward towards a rewarding and fulfilling 2021!
All the best to you and as always,
Be. Here. Now.
A big warm welcome to all new subscribers! It is great to have you join us and we look forward to helping you think more deeply so you can create greater results. If you've been a subscriber for a while, thank you for your readership! Please let us know what challenges you're facing and how we may best serve you. Your written comments and feedback are always welcome - we read them all!


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