February 5, 2021 Follow Jeanne on Instagram  Watch Jeanne on YouTube  Visit Jeanne on LinkedIn

Hello Jeanne!

One of my favorite songs from the 70's is Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce. The lyrics are so beautiful...

"If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
Till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

You're singing, aren't you? :)

It's okay if the time you save in a bottle is for you.

In fact, this is what happened last year.

"having more time"

"time to focus on myself"

"time to pray and meditate"

These were just a few of the comments on the survey sent last year.

As we slowly re-enter our lives and create a new normal, how can we create more time?

Here's one way (and there's more to come):

Ensure Your Schedule Aligns with Your Priorities

Let's start with asking ourselves, "where does all the time go?"

One simple answer from our recent experience is commuting to work. You may add to that, picking out what to wear, putting on makeup, etc.

But are those the only ways we can have more time?

The truth is that you make time for what is important.

So, every time you hear yourself saying, "I just don't have the time," I'd like you to stop and remind yourself that you don't make the time.

It is difficult to hear, but it is the truth.

This is what you need to do:

#1 - Figure out your current priorities
(how you are currently spending your time)

#2 - Determine your desired priorities
(how you really want to spend your time).

Hint: The Passion, Purpose, Priorities exercise walks you through this process and helps you see how this is linked to your core values, beliefs, and passions.

If you want to see this exercise again, click here.)

To get back on track, you may need to:

  • Say "no" more often
  • Delegate more tasks
  • Attend fewer meetings (do you really need to be in all of them?)
  • Spend less time on social media (unless it's your job)
  • Manage your e-mails and phone calls by checking them once or twice per day (create blocks of time and use an alarm). Turn off alerts and ringers. Use email tools like color-coding, folders, forwarding, and oh yes, the delete button!

 A little stuck on how to determine your priorities?

The easiest way is to create a Daily Inventory:

Free Tip 2 to Regain Balance#1 - Write down each activity you engage in and how much time you spend on each for a full week. Don't worry about making this perfect.

#2 - Review the list. These are your current priorities. How would you like to spend your time? What activities can be delegated, abbreviated, or eliminated altogether?

#3 - Create your desired schedule. Spend time doing what you value and is most important to you. You, and everyone else around you, will be much more joyful!     

Choices and Actions Today = Dreams and Desires of Tomorrow             

Let me know how it goes, I'd love to hear from you!

Leadership Coach, Consultant, and Speaker

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Jeanne Henningsen