November 4, 2021 Follow Jeanne on Instagram  Watch Jeanne on YouTube  Visit Jeanne on LinkedIn

Hello Jeanne!

I've been hearing a lot of "So, where have you been?"

Yes, it's true. I haven't been sending out newsletters over the past few months.

I could just apologize and say "I've been busy" but...

1. If you've worked with me, you know I don't support this as an excuse for ANYTHING.

2. If you're asking, I'm sure you want a REAL answer.

So, here is my honest answer: onboarding new clients, vacation, helped daughter self-publish a book (so proud of her - money goes to Humane Society), knee surgery, followed by a love-hate relationship with crutches for 8 weeks.

Okay, so what's wrong with saying, "I'm busy?"

This is an excuse and a weak one.

You see, what's happening is that we fear telling the truth.

  • We may be judged.
  • Others won't accept our truth.
  • We will be seen as imperfect.
  • We may lose a friend or hurt others' feelings.

This fear holds us back from:

  • having real, authentic relationships
  • allowing others to accept us for who we really are
  • leading by example

Give others the opportunity to love you for who you really are. Trust me, it's worth it.

Be. Here. Now. 

Leadership Coach, Consultant, and Speaker

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Jeanne Henningsen