February 11, 2022 Follow Jeanne on Instagram  Watch Jeanne on YouTube  Visit Jeanne on LinkedIn

Hello Jeanne!

Do you love your team? Yes, I said LOVE.

There is a healthy and appropriate way to love your team.

This love is about:

  • listening to their needs
  • helping them grow and evolve
  • being fully present
  • and so much more...

Performance appraisals is a perfect opportunity to practice loving your team. Here are some strategies for your performance meeting (and yes, you need to meet with EVERY member of your team):

  • listen more than you speak
  • ask questions, be curious
  • focus on their strengths and accomplishments

These conversations can be positive and productive, something you all look forward to, rather than dread.

If you'd like to talk through more strategies for your performance meetings, I am here for you. Just click here to schedule a complimentary session with me.

Be. Here. Now.

Leadership Coach, Consultant, and Speaker

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Jeanne Henningsen