February 7, 2025 Follow Jeanne on Instagram  Watch Jeanne on YouTube  Visit Jeanne on LinkedIn

Happy February, Jeanne!

Have you given up? You wouldn't be alone.

By the end of January, 88% of us have given up on our goals.

What??? I know, crazy, right?

Did you know there is an official “Quitter’s Day?" Yup! It is the second Friday of January.

So, why are so many of us giving up and so quickly?

Bottom line - we want it all, right now, and if it doesn’t happen, we lose our motivation to keep trying.

The solution?

Take baby steps.

You want to be more healthy? Don’t try exercising, drinking more water, and eating healthier food.

Just drink more water. You can always focus on other goals once you master that one.

Want to get more organized? Don’t take on a room at a time. Start with one closet or maybe even one shelf.

Be sure to hold yourself accountable whether that be through family, friends, apps, or coaches.

Ultimately, long-term change isn’t about perfection but persistence.

You totally got this!

Cheering you on!


Leadership Coach, Consultant, and Speaker

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Jeanne Henningsen