Hello Jeanne!
I don't know everything. In fact, there are a lot of things I don't know.
However, there are TWO things I know EVERYONE wants.
To be an effective leader, you need to know them too.
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There are TWO things ALL human beings want - to be heard and to feel valued. I’ve spoken about this before but I believe it is worth mentioning again. Especially during a time when we are all recovering from the pandemic.
Have you ever believed that you were not heard? Sure, we all have and it doesn’t feel good.
Have you ever questioned your value? Is what I’m doing making a difference? Does anyone even care? I am guessing your answer is yes. There have been times when you didn't feel valued. I have definitely felt this way many times in my life.
What about your impact on others? Let's flip the script. Has anyone ever told you they didn’t think you were listening to them? Does everyone in your life know the value they bring, whether it be professionally or personally? Probably not or perhaps not as often as they need to.
My invitation to you is to be fully present in all of your interactions so you can pay closer attention to the needs of others – namely, being heard and feeling valued.
I also want to encourage you to tell others when you need them to listen to you and also when you need to know the value you bring.
So, this is my invitation to you - be aware of others' needs as well as your own when it comes to being heard and feeling valued.
And as always,
Be. Here. Now.