October 4, 2024 Follow Jeanne on Instagram  Watch Jeanne on YouTube  Visit Jeanne on LinkedIn

Hello Jeanne!

What do you do when your device stops working?

You unplug it and then something magical happens...

You plug it back in and IT WORKS!!!

Guess what? You work the SAME way.

I frequently hear clients say they can't unplug because if they do, they will be overwhelmed when they return.

So, what do they do? They check their email and phone messages while sitting in traffic, at night before bed, while playing with their kids, and the list goes on and on. 

You are a better spouse, parent, friend, and leader if you unplug.

You also lead through the power of your example which results in a happier, healthier, and more effective family and leadership team.

That's a win, win situation my friend. And yes, you CAN unplug.

Be. Here. Now.

Leadership Coach, Consultant, and Speaker

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Jeanne Henningsen